Silver Specimen 4965Crd.


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Creede M.D
Mineral Co. CO


Bulldog Mine High-Grade SILVER!!!   Small slab 1 Cm. thick, cut from a Barite vein with high-grade Silver mineralization. Creede was mined from the 1870s to 1960s. A revival was made in 1969 when the Homestake Mining Co.  opened up the Bulldog Mine and produced millions of ounces of Silver. The mine was shut down in 1985 due to low Silver prices.  Hecla was the last to be active on this property?

This slab shows crystallized white Barite matrix with patches and streaks of finely divided native Silver.  Native Silver occurs as bright, silvery lustered grains. There are also other Silver Sulfides in the specimen. Weighs 44 Grams